Source code for waeup.kofa.browser.viewlets

## $Id: 16465 2021-04-16 15:12:37Z henrik $
## Copyright (C) 2011 Uli Fouquet & Henrik Bettermann
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
import grok
from urllib import urlencode
from zope.component import getMultiAdapter, queryAdapter, getUtility
from zope.i18n import translate
from zope.interface import Interface
from zope.location.interfaces import ISite
from zope.traversing.browser import absoluteURL
from waeup.kofa.browser.interfaces import (
    IFacultiesContainer, IFaculty, IDepartment, ICourse, ICertificate,
    ICertificateCourse, IBreadcrumbContainer, IUniversity, IUsersContainer)
from waeup.kofa.browser.layout import KofaPage, default_primary_nav_template
from waeup.kofa.browser.pages import (
    UniversityPage, FacultiesContainerPage, DatacenterPage, FacultyPage,
    DepartmentPage, CoursePage, CertificatePage, CertificateCoursePage,
    UsersContainerPage, UserManageFormPage, DatacenterImportStep1)
from waeup.kofa.students.browser import EditScoresPage
from waeup.kofa.interfaces import MessageFactory as _
from waeup.kofa.interfaces import (
    IKofaUtils, IKofaObject,
    IDataCenter, IUserAccount,
from waeup.kofa.utils.helpers import get_user_account

grok.context(IKofaObject) # Make IKofaObject the default context

[docs]class ManageSidebar(grok.ViewletManager):'left_manage')
[docs]class LanguageManager(grok.ViewletManager):'languages')
[docs]class ActionBar(grok.ViewletManager):'actionbar')
[docs]class AdministrationTasks(grok.ViewletManager):'admintasks')
[docs]class WidgetsSlot(grok.ViewletManager):'widgets')
[docs]class SourcesLeft(grok.ViewletManager):'sources_left')
[docs]class SourcesRight(grok.ViewletManager):'sources_right')
# # Baseclasses that give some defaults for really used viewlets. #
[docs]class ActionButton(grok.Viewlet): """A base for action buttons. An action button provides an icon, some text, links to a target and optionally an onclick event handler. If you want to set a different text, icon or target name for some active button below, just override the approriate attribute in the concerned viewlet. Action buttons provide by default dynamic attributes * ``alt`` An alternative text for the icon. By default the same as the text. * ``icon_url`` The URL of the icon. * ``target_url`` The URL of the link target. * ``onclick`` An onclick Javascript event handler. """ grok.baseclass() grok.context(IKofaObject) grok.viewletmanager(ActionBar) icon = 'actionicon_modify.png' # File must exist in static/ target = '@@manage' # link to this viewname. text = _('Edit') # Text to display on the button # We set the template file explicitly (instead of using # ``grok.template('actionbutton')``) to stick with this template # also in derived classes in other packages. If we didn't, those # derived ActionButton viewlets had to provide an own template, # which would not be updated automatically, when the local # template ``templates/`` changes. # # Inheriting viewlets that wish to use their own template anyway # can do so by setting their local ``grok.template(<mytemplate>)`` # and setting ``template`` to ``None`` for the class:: # # class DerivedActionButton(ActionButton): # ... # grok.template('overriding_template') # template = None # ... # template = grok.PageTemplateFile('templates/') @property def alt(self): """Alternative text for icon. """ return self.text @property def icon_url(self): """Get the icon URL. """ return '/static/img/%s' % self.icon @property def target_url(self): """Get a URL to the target... """ if return self.view.url(self.view.context, return @property def onclick(self): """Onclick event... """ return
[docs]class PlainActionButton(ActionButton): """A base for action buttons without image """ grok.baseclass() template = grok.PageTemplateFile('templates/')
[docs]class ManageActionButton(ActionButton): """A base for 'edit' buttons """ grok.baseclass() grok.order(2) grok.require('waeup.manageAcademics') icon = 'actionicon_modify.png' target = '@@manage' text = _('Edit')
[docs]class AddActionButton(ActionButton): """A base for 'add' buttons. """ grok.baseclass() grok.order(4) grok.require('waeup.manageAcademics') icon = 'actionicon_add.png' target = 'add' text = _('Add')
[docs]class RemoveActionButton(ActionButton): """A base for 'remove' buttons. """ grok.baseclass() grok.order(4) grok.require('waeup.manageAcademics') icon = 'actionicon_delete.png' target = 'remove' text = _('Remove')
[docs]class SearchActionButton(ActionButton): """A base for 'search' buttons. """ grok.baseclass() grok.order(5) grok.require('waeup.manageAcademics') icon = 'actionicon_search.png' target = 'search' text = _('Search')
# # General viewlets (for more than one page/context) #
[docs]class WidgetsTableRows(grok.Viewlet): """The only viewlet for the WidgetsSlot viewlet manager. """ template = grok.PageTemplateFile('templates/') grok.viewletmanager(WidgetsSlot)
[docs]class Login(grok.Viewlet): """This viewlet allows to login in the sidebar. """ grok.viewletmanager(ManageSidebar) grok.context(IKofaObject) grok.view(Interface) grok.order(2) grok.require('waeup.Anonymous') text = _('Login') link = 'login'
[docs] def render(self): if != 'zope.anybody': return '' url = self.view.url(grok.getSite(), return u'<li"><a href="%s">%s</a></li>' % ( url, self.text)
[docs]class ManagePortalConfiguration(ManageLink): """A link to portal configuration. """ grok.order(1) grok.require('waeup.managePortalConfiguration') link = 'configuration' text = _(u'Portal Configuration')
[docs]class ManageDataCenter(ManageLink): """A link to datacenter, placed in upper left box. """ grok.order(3) grok.require('waeup.manageDataCenter') link = u'datacenter' text = _(u'Data Center')
[docs]class ManageReports(ManageLink): """A link to reports, placed in upper left box. """ grok.order(4) grok.require('waeup.handleReports') link = u'reports' text = _(u'Reports')
[docs]class LecturerCourses(ManageLink): """A link to courses of lecturers. """ grok.order(6) grok.require('waeup.Authenticated') link = u'my_courses' text = _(u'My Courses')
[docs] def render(self): user_account = get_user_account(self.request) if user_account: local_roles = user_account.getLocalRoles() if local_roles.has_key('waeup.local.Lecturer'): url = self.view.url(grok.getSite(), text = translate(self.text, context=self.request) return u'<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>' % (url, text) return ''
[docs]class TranscriptOfficerStudents(ManageLink): """A link to transcript requests. """ grok.order(6) grok.require('waeup.Authenticated') link = u'my_transcript_requests' text = _(u'My ToDoList')
[docs] def render(self): user_account = get_user_account(self.request) if user_account: local_roles = user_account.getLocalRoles() site_roles = user_account.roles if local_roles.has_key('waeup.local.TranscriptOfficer') \ or 'waeup.TranscriptOfficer' in site_roles: url = self.view.url(grok.getSite(), text = translate(self.text, context=self.request) return u'<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>' % (url, text) return ''
[docs]class TranscriptSigneeStudents(ManageLink): """A link to transcript signing requests. """ grok.order(6) grok.require('waeup.Authenticated') link = u'my_transcript_signing_requests' text = _(u'My ToDoList')
[docs] def render(self): user_account = get_user_account(self.request) if user_account: local_roles = user_account.getLocalRoles() if local_roles.has_key('waeup.local.TranscriptSignee'): url = self.view.url(grok.getSite(), text = translate(self.text, context=self.request) return u'<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>' % (url, text) return ''
[docs]class MyPreferences(ManageLink): """A link to personal preferences, placed in upper left box. """ grok.order(7) grok.require('waeup.Public') text = _(u'My Preferences')
[docs] def render(self): account_object = get_user_account(self.request) if account_object: url = self.view.url(account_object) text = translate(self.text, context=self.request) return u'<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>' % (url, text) return ''
[docs]class MyRoles(ManageLink): """A link to display site and local roles. """ grok.order(8) grok.require('waeup.Public') text = _(u'My Roles')
[docs] def render(self): account_object = get_user_account(self.request) if account_object: url = self.view.url(account_object) + '/my_roles' text = translate(self.text, context=self.request) return u'<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>' % (url, text) return ''
[docs]class ContactActionButton(ManageActionButton): grok.order(4) grok.context(IUserAccount) grok.view(UserManageFormPage) grok.require('waeup.manageUsers') icon = 'actionicon_mail.png' text = _('Send email') target = 'contactuser'
[docs]class ManageDataCenterActionButton(ManageActionButton): """ 'Edit settings' button for datacenter. """ grok.context(IDataCenter) grok.view(DatacenterPage) grok.require('waeup.managePortal') text = _('Edit settings') grok.order(1)
[docs]class ManageFacultiesContainerActionButton(ManageActionButton): """ 'Manage settings' button for faculties. """ grok.context(IFacultiesContainer) grok.view(FacultiesContainerPage) text = _('Manage academic section')
[docs]class ExportFacultiesStudentsActionButton(ManageActionButton): """ 'Export student data' button for faculties. """ grok.context(IFacultiesContainer) grok.view(FacultiesContainerPage)'exportfacultystudents') grok.require('waeup.showStudents') icon = 'actionicon_down.png' text = _('Export student data') target = 'exports' grok.order(3)
[docs]class SearchFacultiesContainerActionButton(ManageActionButton): """ 'Manage settings' button for faculties. """ grok.context(IFacultiesContainer) grok.view(FacultiesContainerPage) text = _('Search academic section') icon = 'actionicon_search.png' target = '@@search'
[docs]class ManageFacultyActionButton(ManageActionButton): """ 'Manage settings' button for faculties. """ grok.context(IFaculty) grok.view(FacultyPage) text = _('Manage faculty')
[docs]class StudentSearchActionButton(ManageActionButton): grok.order(2) grok.context(IFaculty) grok.view(FacultyPage)'findstudents') grok.require('waeup.showStudents') text = _('Find students') icon = 'actionicon_search.png' target = 'find_students'
[docs]class ExportFacultyStudentsActionButton(ManageActionButton): """ 'Export student data' button for faculties. """ grok.order(3) grok.context(IFaculty) grok.view(FacultyPage)'exportfacultystudents') grok.require('waeup.showStudents') icon = 'actionicon_down.png' text = _('Export student data') target = 'exports'
[docs]class ManageDepartmentActionButton(ManageActionButton): """ 'Manage settings' button for departments. """ grok.context(IDepartment) grok.view(DepartmentPage) text = _('Manage department') grok.order(1)
[docs]class ShowDepartmentStudentsActionButton(ManageActionButton): """ 'Show students' button for departments. """ grok.context(IDepartment) grok.view(DepartmentPage)'showdepartmentstudents') grok.require('waeup.showStudents') icon = 'actionicon_student.png' text = _('Show students') target = 'students' grok.order(2)
[docs]class ExportDepartmentStudentsActionButton(ManageActionButton): """ 'Export student data' button for departments. """ grok.context(IDepartment) grok.view(DepartmentPage)'exportdepartmentstudents') grok.require('waeup.showStudents') icon = 'actionicon_down.png' text = _('Export student data') target = 'exports' grok.order(3)
[docs]class ClearDepartmentStudentsActionButton(ManageActionButton): """ 'Clear all students' button for departments. """ grok.context(IDepartment) grok.view(DepartmentPage)'cleardepartmentstudents') grok.require('waeup.clearAllStudents') icon = 'actionicon_accept.png' text = _('Clear all students') target = 'clearallstudents' grok.order(4) @property def onclick(self): return "return window.confirm(%s);" % _( "'All students, who requested clearance in this department, will be cleared. Are you sure?'")
#class RemoveFlashDepartmentStudentsActionButton(ManageActionButton): # """ 'Remove all flash notices' button for departments. # """ # grok.context(IDepartment) # grok.view(DepartmentPage) #'removeflashdepartmentstudents') # grok.require('waeup.manageStudent') # icon = 'actionicon_wipe.png' # text = _('Remove all flash notices') # target = 'removeflash' # grok.order(5) # @property # def onclick(self): # return "return window.confirm(%s);" % _( # "'Flash notices of all students in this department will be removed. Are you sure?'")
[docs]class EditFlashDepartmentStudentsActionButton(ManageActionButton): """ 'Edit all flash notices' button for departments. """ grok.context(IDepartment) grok.view(DepartmentPage)'removeflashdepartmentstudents') grok.require('waeup.manageStudent') icon = 'actionicon_flash.png' text = _('Edit all flash notices') target = 'edit_flash_notices' grok.order(5)
[docs]class ManageCourseActionButton(ManageActionButton): """ 'Edit settings' button for courses. """ grok.context(ICourse) grok.view(CoursePage) text = _('Edit course') grok.order(1)
[docs]class ShowCourseStudentsActionButton(ManageActionButton): """ 'Show students' button in course. """ grok.context(ICourse) grok.view(CoursePage)'showcoursestudents') grok.require('waeup.viewStudent') icon = 'actionicon_student.png' text = _('Show students') target = 'students' grok.order(2)
[docs]class ExportCourseStudentsActionButton(ManageActionButton): """ 'Export student data' button for courses. """ grok.context(ICourse) grok.view(CoursePage)'exportcoursestudents') grok.require('waeup.showStudents') icon = 'actionicon_down.png' text = _('Export student data') target = 'exports' grok.order(3)
[docs]class UpdateScoresActionButton(ManageActionButton): """ 'Update scores' button in course. """ grok.context(ICourse) grok.view(CoursePage)'updatescores') grok.require('waeup.editScores') icon = 'actionicon_scores.png' target = 'edit_scores' grok.order(4) @property def target_url(self): ca = grok.getSite()[ 'configuration'].current_academic_session if not ca: return '' return self.view.url(self.view.context, @property def text(self): ca = grok.getSite()[ 'configuration'].current_academic_session st = academic_sessions_vocab.getTerm(ca).title return _('Update session ${a} scores', mapping = {'a':st})
[docs]class DownloadTicketOverviewActionButton(ManageActionButton): """ 'Download ticket overview' button for courses. """ grok.context(ICourse) grok.view(CoursePage)'coursetickets') grok.require('waeup.showStudents') icon = 'actionicon_pdf.png' text = _('Download course tickets overview') target = 'coursetickets.pdf' grok.order(5)
[docs]class DownloadAttendanceSheetActionButton(ManageActionButton): """ 'Download ticket overview' button for courses. """ grok.context(ICourse) grok.view(CoursePage)'attendance') grok.require('waeup.showStudents') icon = 'actionicon_pdf.png' text = _('Download attendance sheet') target = 'attendance.pdf' grok.order(6)
[docs]class UpdateCourseTicketsActionButton(ManageActionButton): """ 'Update credits in course tickets' button for courses. """ grok.context(ICourse) grok.view(CoursePage)'updatecoursetickets') grok.require('waeup.editScores') icon = 'actionicon_reload.png' target = 'update_coursetickets' grok.order(7) @property def target_url(self): ca = grok.getSite()[ 'configuration'].current_academic_session if not ca: return '' return self.view.url(self.view.context, @property def text(self): ca = grok.getSite()[ 'configuration'].current_academic_session st = academic_sessions_vocab.getTerm(ca).title return _('Update session ${a} credits', mapping = {'a':st}) @property def onclick(self): current_academic_session = grok.getSite()[ 'configuration'].current_academic_session if not current_academic_session: return message = _("All current session (%s/%s) course tickets of students, " "who paid school fee but not yet registered their courses, " "will be updated.\\n\\n" "You really want to update?") % ( current_academic_session, current_academic_session+1) return "return window.confirm('%s');" % message
[docs]class DownloadCSVFileActionButton(ManageActionButton): """ 'Download csv file' button for courses. """ grok.context(ICourse) grok.view(EditScoresPage)'downloadcsv') grok.require('waeup.editScores') icon = 'actionicon_down.png' text = _('Download csv file (editable scores only)') target = 'download_scores' grok.order(1)
[docs]class ManageCertificateActionButton(ManageActionButton): """ 'Manage settings' button for certificates. """ grok.context(ICertificate) grok.view(CertificatePage) text = _('Manage certificate') grok.order(1)
[docs]class ShowCertificateStudentsActionButton(ManageActionButton): """ 'Show students' button for certificates. """ grok.context(ICertificate) grok.view(CertificatePage)'showcertificatestudents') grok.require('waeup.showStudents') icon = 'actionicon_student.png' text = _('Show students') target = 'students' grok.order(2)
[docs]class ExportCertificateStudentsActionButton(ManageActionButton): """ 'Export student data' button for certificates. """ grok.context(ICertificate) grok.view(CertificatePage)'exportcertificatestudents') grok.require('waeup.showStudents') icon = 'actionicon_down.png' text = _('Export student data') target = 'exports' grok.order(3)
[docs]class ManageCertificateCourseActionButton(ManageActionButton): """ 'Manage settings' button for certificate courses. """ grok.context(ICertificateCourse) grok.view(CertificateCoursePage) text = _('Edit certificate course')
[docs]class AddUserActionButton(AddActionButton): grok.require('waeup.manageUsers') grok.context(IUsersContainer) grok.view(UsersContainerPage) text = _('Add officer')
[docs]class BrowseDatacenterLogs(ActionButton): grok.context(IDataCenter) grok.require('waeup.manageDataCenter') grok.view(DatacenterPage) grok.order(2) icon = 'actionicon_info.png' target = '@@logs' text = _('Show logs')
[docs]class UploadCSVButton(ActionButton): grok.context(IDataCenter) grok.view(DatacenterPage) grok.require('waeup.manageDataCenter') grok.order(3) icon = 'actionicon_up.png' target = '@@upload' text = _('Upload data')
[docs]class BatchOpButton(ActionButton): grok.context(IDataCenter) grok.view(DatacenterPage) grok.require('waeup.manageDataCenter') grok.order(4) icon = 'actionicon_gear.png' target = '@@import1' text = _('Process data')
[docs]class ExportCSVButton(ActionButton): grok.context(IDataCenter) grok.view(DatacenterPage) grok.require('waeup.exportData') grok.order(5) icon = 'actionicon_down.png' target = '@@export' text = _('Export data')
[docs]class BrowseFinishedFiles(ActionButton): grok.context(IDataCenter) grok.require('waeup.manageDataCenter') grok.view(DatacenterPage) grok.order(6) icon = 'actionicon_finished.png' target = '@@processed' text = _('View processed files')
[docs]class SwitchMaintMode(ActionButton): grok.context(IDataCenter) grok.require('waeup.importData') #grok.view(DatacenterImportStep1) grok.order(7) icon = 'actionicon_stop.png' target = 'switchmaintmode' text = _('Switch maintenance mode') @property def onclick(self): if grok.getSite()['configuration'].maintmode_enabled_by: return return "return window.confirm(%s);" % _( "'In maintenance mode no other user can login, and " "already logged-in users will be automatically logged out. " "You will be the only logged-in user and you can safely start " "any import. Please wait a few seconds before starting the import " "so that all running processes are finished. " "If the import is done, maintenance mode will " "be automatically disabled. \\n\\n" "You really want to enable maintenance mode?'")
# # Primary navigation tabs (in upper left navigation bar)... #
[docs]class PrimaryNavManager(grok.ViewletManager): """Viewlet manager for the primary navigation tab. """'primary_nav')
[docs]class PrimaryNavTab(grok.Viewlet): """Base for primary nav tabs. """ grok.baseclass() grok.viewletmanager(PrimaryNavManager) grok.order(1) grok.require('waeup.Public') template = default_primary_nav_template pnav = 0 # This is a kind of id of a tab. If some page provides # also a 'pnav' attribute with the same value (here: 0), # then the tab will be rendered as 'active' when the page # gets rendered. # # This way you can assign certain pages to certain # primary nav tabs. Each primary tab should therefore set # the 'pnav' attribute to a different value (or several # tabs might be rendered as active simultanously when the # page gets rendered. tab_title = u'Some Text' @property def link_target(self): return self.view.application_url() @property def active(self): view_pnav = getattr(self.view, 'pnav', 0) if view_pnav == self.pnav: return 'active' return ''
#class HomeTab(PrimaryNavTab): # """Home-tab in primary navigation. # """ # grok.order(1) # grok.require('waeup.Public') # pnav = 0 # tab_title = u'Home'
[docs]class FacultiesTab(PrimaryNavTab): """Faculties-tab in primary navigation. """ grok.order(2) grok.require('waeup.viewAcademics') pnav = 1 tab_title = _(u'Academics') @property def link_target(self): return self.view.application_url('faculties')
[docs]class EnquiriesTab(PrimaryNavTab): """Contact tab in primary navigation. Display tab only for anonymous. Authenticated users can call a contact form from the user navigation bar. """ grok.order(6) grok.require('waeup.Anonymous') tab_title = _(u'Enquiries') pnav = 2 # Also zope.manager has role Anonymous. # To avoid displaying this tab, we have to check the principal id too. @property def link_target(self): if == 'zope.anybody': return self.view.application_url('enquiries') return
# # Administration tasks #
[docs]class AdminTask(grok.Viewlet): """The base for task entries on administration page. """ grok.baseclass() grok.order(1) grok.viewletmanager(AdministrationTasks) grok.require('waeup.managePortal') grok.template('admintask') link_title = 'Manage users' # How the link to the target will be titled. target_viewname = 'users' # The name of the target view. @property def link_target(self): return self.view.url(self.context[self.target_viewname])
[docs]class AdminTaskPortalConfiguration(AdminTask): """Entry on administration page that link to portal settings. """ grok.order(1) grok.require('waeup.managePortalConfiguration') link_title = _('Portal Configuration')
[docs]class AdminTaskUsers(AdminTask): """Entry on administration page that link to user folder. """ grok.order(2) grok.require('waeup.manageUsers') link_title = _('Officers') target_viewname = 'users'
[docs]class AdminTaskDatacenter(AdminTask): """Entry on administration page that link to datacenter. """ grok.order(3) grok.require('waeup.manageDataCenter') link_title = _('Data Center') target_viewname = 'datacenter'
[docs]class AdminTaskReports(AdminTask): """Entry on administration page that link to datacenter. """ grok.order(3) grok.require('waeup.manageReports') link_title = _('Reports') target_viewname = 'reports'
# The SubobjectLister and its viewlets below are not used in Kofa.
[docs]class SubobjectLister(grok.ViewletManager): """Very special viewlet manager that displays lists of subobjects. """'subobjectlist') grok.template('subobjectlist')
[docs] def update(self): # The default implementation of update() sets self.viewlets to # a list of viewlets for the current context # (self.context). We make use of that fact by retrieving all # viewlets for all items in our context container by simply # setting these items as context while we call the default # update() method. So we get a list of lists of viewlets for # each item in a 'row' (where a single item is a row). rows = [] orig_context = self.context for name, value in self.context.items(): # Retrieve all viewlets for the current item (not the context) self.context = value super(SubobjectLister, self).update() # sets self.viewlets rows.append(self.viewlets) self.context = orig_context self.rows = rows # Finally, set the viewlets we would retrieve normally... super(SubobjectLister, self).update() return
[docs]class FacultiesContainerListHead(grok.Viewlet): """The header line of faculty container subobject lists. """ grok.order(1) grok.viewletmanager(SubobjectLister) grok.context(IFacultiesContainer) grok.require('waeup.viewAcademics')
[docs] def render(self): return u'<th>Code</th><th>Title</th><th></th>'
[docs]class FacultyListName(grok.Viewlet): """Display a the title of a faculty as link in a list. """ grok.order(1) grok.viewletmanager(SubobjectLister) grok.context(IFaculty) grok.require('waeup.viewAcademics')
[docs] def render(self): return u'<a href="%s">%s</a>' % ( self.view.url(self.context), self.context.__name__)
[docs]class FacultyListTitle(grok.Viewlet): """Display the title of a faculty in a list. """ grok.order(2) grok.viewletmanager(SubobjectLister) grok.context(IFaculty) grok.require('waeup.viewAcademics')
[docs] def render(self): return self.context.title
[docs]class FacultyRemoveButton(grok.Viewlet): """Render a remove button for faculty lists. """ grok.order(3) grok.viewletmanager(SubobjectLister) grok.context(IFaculty) grok.require('waeup.manageAcademics')
[docs] def render(self): return u'<div class="text-right"><form method="POST">' + \ '<input class="text-right" type="submit" value="remove" />' + \ '</form></div>'
[docs]class InstTypesSource(grok.Viewlet): """Available institution types for the sources overview page. """ grok.order(1) grok.viewletmanager(SourcesLeft) grok.require('waeup.Public') grok.template('source') column = 'left' name = 'InstTypes' source_name = 'inst_types' title = _('Institution Types')
[docs] def heading(self): return 'heading%s' %
[docs] def accordion(self): return '#accordion-%s' % self.column
[docs] def collapse(self): return 'collapse%s' %
[docs] def hash_collapse(self): return '#collapse%s' %
[docs] def source(self): return getattr(self.view, self.source_name)
[docs]class SessionSource(InstTypesSource): """Available sessions for the sources overview page. """ grok.order(2) name = 'Sessions' source_name = 'sessions' title = _('Academic Sessions')
[docs]class CourseLevelSource(InstTypesSource): """Available course levels for the sources overview page. """ grok.order(3) name = 'CourseLevels' source_name = 'course_levels' title = _('Course Levels')
[docs]class StudyLevelSource(InstTypesSource): """Available study levels for the sources overview page. """ grok.order(4) name = 'StudyLevels' source_name = 'study_levels' title = _('Study Levels')
[docs]class StudyModeSource(InstTypesSource): """Available study modes for the sources overview page. """ grok.order(5) name = 'StudyModes' source_name = 'study_modes' title = _('Study Modes')
[docs]class DegreeSource(InstTypesSource): """Available study modes for the sources overview page. """ grok.order(6) name = 'Degrees' source_name = 'degrees' title = _('Degrees')
[docs]class PaymentCatsSource(InstTypesSource): """Available payment categories for the sources overview page. """ grok.order(7) name = 'PaymentCats' source_name = 'payment_cats' title = _('Payment Categories')
[docs]class AppTypesSource(InstTypesSource): """Available application types for the sources overview page. """ grok.order(8) name = 'AppTypes' source_name = 'app_types' title = _('Application Types (Prefixes)')
[docs]class AppCatsSource(InstTypesSource): """Available application categories for the sources overview page. """ grok.order(9) name = 'AppCats' source_name = 'app_cats' title = _('Application Categories')
[docs]class StudentStatesSource(InstTypesSource): """Available student sates for the sources overview page. """ grok.order(1) grok.viewletmanager(SourcesRight) column = 'right' name = 'StudentStates' source_name = 'student_states' title = _('Student Registration States')
[docs]class VerdictsSource(InstTypesSource): """Available verdicts for the sources overview page. """ grok.order(2) grok.viewletmanager(SourcesRight) column = 'right' name = 'Verdicts' source_name = 'verdicts' title = _('Verdicts')
[docs]class ExamSubjectsSource(InstTypesSource): """Available exam subjects for the sources overview page. """ grok.order(4) grok.viewletmanager(SourcesRight) column = 'right' name = 'ExamSubjects' source_name = 'exam_subjects' title = _('Exam Subjects')
[docs]class ExamGradesSource(InstTypesSource): """Available exam grades for the sources overview page. """ grok.order(5) grok.viewletmanager(SourcesRight) column = 'right' name = 'ExamGrades' source_name = 'exam_grades' title = _('Exam Grades')
[docs]class SexSource(InstTypesSource): """Available sex values for the sources overview page. """ grok.order(6) grok.viewletmanager(SourcesRight) column = 'right' name = 'Sex' source_name = 'sex' title = _('Sex')
[docs]class DisablePaymentGroupSource(InstTypesSource): """Available payment groups for the sources overview page. """ grok.order(7) grok.viewletmanager(SourcesRight) column = 'right' name = 'DisablePaymentGroups' source_name = 'disable_payment_groups' title = _('Disable Payment Groups')