## $Id: interfaces.py 17313 2023-01-25 08:52:51Z henrik $
## Copyright (C) 2011 Uli Fouquet & Henrik Bettermann
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
from grok import getSite
from datetime import datetime
from zope.component import getUtility
from zope.catalog.interfaces import ICatalog
from zope.interface import invariant, Invalid, Attribute, Interface
from zope import schema
from waeup.kofa.interfaces import (
IKofaObject, academic_sessions_vocab, registration_states_vocab)
from waeup.kofa.interfaces import MessageFactory as _
from waeup.kofa.hostels.vocabularies import (
bed_letters, blocks, SpecialHandlingSource,
from waeup.kofa.students.interfaces import IStudentsUtils
# Define a validation method for sort ids
[docs]class NotASortId(schema.ValidationError):
__doc__ = u"Invalid sort_id"
[docs]def validate_sort_id(value):
if not value < 1000:
raise NotASortId(value)
return True
[docs]class IHostelsContainer(IKofaObject):
"""A container for hostel objects.
expired = Attribute('True if current datetime is in application period.')
statistics = Attribute('Bed category statistics')
startdate = schema.Datetime(
title = _(u'Hostel Allocation Start Date'),
required = False,
description = _('Example: ') + u'2011-12-01 18:30:00+01:00',
enddate = schema.Datetime(
title = _(u'Hostel Allocation Closing Date'),
required = False,
description = _('Example: ') + u'2011-12-31 23:59:59+01:00',
accommodation_session = schema.Choice(
title = _(u'Booking Session'),
source = academic_sessions_vocab,
#default = datetime.now().year,
required = False,
readonly = False,
accommodation_states = schema.List(
title = _(u'Allowed States'),
value_type = schema.Choice(
vocabulary = registration_states_vocab,
allocation_expiration = schema.Int(
title = _(u'Allocation Expiration Time (days)'),
description = _(
'Number of days after which allocation is being annulled'),
required = False,
def clearAllHostels():
"""Clear all hostels.
def addHostel(hostel):
"""Add a hostel.
def releaseExpiredAllocations(n):
"""Release bed if bed allocation has expired. Allocation expires
after `n` days if maintenance fee has not been paid.
def writeLogMessage(view, message):
"""Add an INFO message to hostels.log.
[docs]class IHostel(IKofaObject):
"""Representation of a hostel.
bed_statistics = Attribute('Number of booked and total beds')
def clearHostel():
"""Remove all beds.
def updateBeds():
"""Fill hostel with beds or update beds.
hostel_id = schema.TextLine(
title = _(u'Hostel Id'),
sort_id = schema.Int(
title = _(u'Sort Id'),
required = True,
default = 10,
hostel_name = schema.TextLine(
title = _(u'Hostel Name'),
required = True,
default = u'Hall 1',
floors_per_block = schema.Int(
title = _(u'Floors per Block'),
required = True,
default = 1,
rooms_per_floor = schema.Int(
title = _(u'Rooms per Floor'),
required = True,
default = 2,
blocks_for_female = schema.List(
title = _(u'Blocks for Female Students'),
value_type = schema.Choice(
vocabulary = blocks
blocks_for_male = schema.List(
title = _(u'Blocks for Male Students'),
value_type = schema.Choice(
vocabulary = blocks
beds_for_pre= schema.List(
title = _(u'Beds for Pre-Study Students'),
value_type = schema.Choice(
vocabulary = bed_letters
beds_for_fresh = schema.List(
title = _(u'Beds for Fresh Students'),
value_type = schema.Choice(
vocabulary = bed_letters
beds_for_returning = schema.List(
title = _(u'Beds for Returning Students'),
value_type = schema.Choice(
vocabulary = bed_letters
beds_for_final = schema.List(
title = _(u'Beds for Final Year Students'),
value_type = schema.Choice(
vocabulary = bed_letters
beds_for_all = schema.List(
title = _(u'Beds without category'),
value_type = schema.Choice(
vocabulary = bed_letters
special_handling = schema.Choice(
title = _(u'Special Handling'),
source = SpecialHandlingSource(),
required = True,
default = u'regular',
maint_fee = schema.Float(
title = _(u'Rent'),
default = 0.0,
required = False,
def blocksOverlap(hostel):
bfe = hostel.blocks_for_female
bma = hostel.blocks_for_male
if set(bfe).intersection(set(bma)):
raise Invalid(_('Female and male blocks overlap.'))
def bedsOverlap(hostel):
beds = (hostel.beds_for_fresh +
hostel.beds_for_returning +
hostel.beds_for_final +
hostel.beds_for_pre +
if len(beds) != len(set(beds)):
raise Invalid(_('Bed categories overlap.'))
def writeLogMessage(view, message):
"""Add an INFO message to hostels.log.
[docs]class IBed(IKofaObject):
"""Representation of a bed.
coordinates = Attribute('Coordinates tuple derived from bed_id')
hall = Attribute('Hall id, for exporter only')
block = Attribute('Block letter, for exporter only')
room = Attribute('Room number, for exporter only')
bed = Attribute('Bed letter, for exporter only')
special_handling = Attribute('Special handling code, for exporter only')
sex = Attribute('Sex, for exporter only')
bt = Attribute('Last part of bed type, for exporter only')
def bookBed(student_id):
"""Book a bed for a student.
def switchBed(switch_type):
"""Switches reservation or blockade.
def releaseBedIfMaintenanceNotPaid():
"""Release bed if maintenance fee has not been paid on time.
Reserve bed so that it cannot be automatically booked by someone else.
bed_id = schema.TextLine(
title = _(u'Bed Id'),
required = True,
default = u'',
bed_type = schema.TextLine(
title = _(u'Bed Type'),
required = True,
default = u'',
bed_number = schema.Int(
title = _(u'Bed Number'),
required = True,
owner = schema.TextLine(
title = _(u'Owner (Student)'),
description = _('Enter valid student id.'),
required = True,
default = u'',
def allowed_owners(bed):
if bed.owner == NOT_OCCUPIED:
catalog = getUtility(ICatalog, name='students_catalog')
accommodation_span = getUtility(IStudentsUtils).ACCOMMODATION_SPAN
accommodation_session = getSite()['hostels'].accommodation_session
students = catalog.searchResults(current_session=(
student_ids = [student.student_id for student in students]
if not bed.owner in student_ids:
raise Invalid(_(
"Either student does not exist or student "
"is not eligible to book accommodation."))
catalog = getUtility(ICatalog, name='beds_catalog')
beds = catalog.searchResults(owner=(bed.owner,bed.owner))
if len(beds):
allocated_bed = [bed.bed_id for bed in beds][0]
raise Invalid(_(
"This student resides in bed ${a}.",
mapping = {'a':allocated_bed}))
def writeLogMessage(view, message):
"""Add an INFO message to hostels.log.
[docs]class IHostelsUtils(Interface):
"""A collection of methods which are subject to customization.
def getBedStatistics():
"""Return bed statistics.