widgets.datewidget - Date Widget

A datewidget with customizable date format.

waeup.kofa.widgets.datewidget.DATE_FORMATS = {'iso-year': ('datepicker-year', '%Y-%m-%d'), 'de-year': ('datepicker-de-year', '%d.%m.%Y'), 'le': ('datepicker-le', '%d/%m/%Y'), 'iso': ('datepicker', '%Y-%m-%d'), 'le-year': ('datepicker-le-year', '%d/%m/%Y'), 'de': ('datepicker-de', '%d.%m.%Y'), 'us-year': ('datepicker-us-year', '%m/%d/%Y'), 'us': ('datepicker-us', '%m/%d/%Y')}

A dictionary of supported date formats.

The following formats are supported:

little endian with slashes: DD/MM/YYYY
german date format: DD.MM.YYYY
middle endian format common in the U.S.: MM/DD/YYYY

Furthermore we support for input widgets an additional year marker. Input date widgets with this marker provide also a year selector, handy for dates of birth etc.

The year-supporting formats are similar to the basic versions above:

little endian with slashes: DD/MM/YYYY
german date format: DD.MM.YYYY
middle endian format common in the U.S.: MM/DD/YYYY

For date display widgets there is naturally no difference between a year and non-year setting (you can for instance use ‘le’ or ‘le-year’ with the same output).

class waeup.kofa.widgets.datewidget.DateDEDisplayWidget(context, request, *args, **kw)[source]

Bases: waeup.kofa.widgets.datewidget.FormattedDateDisplayWidget

__doc__ = None
__module__ = 'waeup.kofa.widgets.datewidget'
date_format = '%d.%m.%Y'
class waeup.kofa.widgets.datewidget.DateDEWidget(context, request, *args, **kw)[source]

Bases: waeup.kofa.widgets.datewidget.FormattedDateWidget

__doc__ = None
__module__ = 'waeup.kofa.widgets.datewidget'
date_format = '%d.%m.%Y'
class waeup.kofa.widgets.datewidget.DateLEDisplayWidget(context, request, *args, **kw)[source]

Bases: waeup.kofa.widgets.datewidget.FormattedDateDisplayWidget

__doc__ = None
__module__ = 'waeup.kofa.widgets.datewidget'
date_format = '%d/%m/%Y'
class waeup.kofa.widgets.datewidget.DateLEWidget(context, request, *args, **kw)[source]

Bases: waeup.kofa.widgets.datewidget.FormattedDateWidget

__doc__ = None
__module__ = 'waeup.kofa.widgets.datewidget'
date_format = '%d/%m/%Y'
class waeup.kofa.widgets.datewidget.DateUSDisplayWidget(context, request, *args, **kw)[source]

Bases: waeup.kofa.widgets.datewidget.FormattedDateDisplayWidget

__doc__ = None
__module__ = 'waeup.kofa.widgets.datewidget'
date_format = '%m/%d/%Y'
class waeup.kofa.widgets.datewidget.DateUSWidget(context, request, *args, **kw)[source]

Bases: waeup.kofa.widgets.datewidget.FormattedDateWidget

__doc__ = None
__module__ = 'waeup.kofa.widgets.datewidget'
date_format = '%m/%d/%Y'
waeup.kofa.widgets.datewidget.FORMATS_BY_VALUE = {('%d/%m/%Y', False): 'datepicker-le', ('%d/%m/%Y', True): 'datepicker-le-year', ('%Y-%m-%d', False): 'datepicker', ('%Y-%m-%d', True): 'datepicker-year', ('%d.%m.%Y', False): 'datepicker-de', ('%d.%m.%Y', True): 'datepicker-de-year', ('%m/%d/%Y', False): 'datepicker-us', ('%m/%d/%Y', True): 'datepicker-us-year'}

a dict containing tuples (<FORMAT>, <SHOW_YEAR>) as keys and suitable CSS tags as values.

class waeup.kofa.widgets.datewidget.FormattedDateDisplayWidget(context, request, *args, **kw)[source]

Bases: zope.formlib.textwidgets.DateDisplayWidget

A date widget that supports different (and _explicit_) date formats.

This is a display widget.

It can also be used for displaying datetimes. If used to display a datetime (not a date), the widget returns local datetime with timezone set according to KofaUtils.

__doc__ = 'A date widget that supports different (and _explicit_) date formats.\n\n This is a display widget.\n\n It can also be used for displaying datetimes. If used to display a\n datetime (not a date), the widget returns local datetime with\n timezone set according to KofaUtils.\n '
__implemented__ = <implementedBy waeup.kofa.widgets.datewidget.FormattedDateDisplayWidget>
__init__(context, request, *args, **kw)[source]
__module__ = 'waeup.kofa.widgets.datewidget'

Special descriptor for class __provides__

The descriptor caches the implementedBy info, so that we can get declarations for objects without instance-specific interfaces a bit quicker.

For example:

>>> from zope.interface import Interface
>>> class IFooFactory(Interface):
...     pass
>>> class IFoo(Interface):
...     pass
>>> class C(object):
...     implements(IFoo)
...     classProvides(IFooFactory)
>>> [i.getName() for i in C.__provides__]
>>> [i.getName() for i in C().__provides__]
date_format = '%Y-%m-%d'
show_year = False
class waeup.kofa.widgets.datewidget.FormattedDateWidget(context, request, *args, **kw)[source]

Bases: zope.formlib.textwidgets.DateWidget

A date widget that supports different (and _explicit_) date formats.

If the widget is bound to a schema field with respective attributes, it reads its show_year and date_format attributes (see waeup.kofa.schema.FormattedDate for an example) and sets a CSS tag according to these values.

The widget also accepts ISO format as a fallback, even if a different format was set. This should help with imports.

This is an input widget.

__doc__ = 'A date widget that supports different (and _explicit_) date formats.\n\n If the widget is bound to a schema field with respective\n attributes, it reads its `show_year` and `date_format` attributes\n (see waeup.kofa.schema.FormattedDate for an example) and sets a\n CSS tag according to these values.\n\n The widget also accepts ISO format as a fallback, even if a\n different format was set. This should help with imports.\n\n This is an input widget.\n '
__init__(context, request, *args, **kw)[source]
__module__ = 'waeup.kofa.widgets.datewidget'
date_format = '%Y-%m-%d'
show_year = False

Get a friendly date display widget for format.

This widget is suitable for display forms.

Valid format values are the keys of DATE_FORMATS dict. Default is le (little endian; DD/MM/YYYY).

This widget is not rendered with a specialized CSS tag for enabling JavaScript datepickers. css_class is ignored which means there is nor difference between e.g. le and le-year.`


Get a friendly date input widget for format.

This widget is suitable for edit and add forms.

Valid format values are the keys of DATE_FORMATS dict. Default is le (little endian; DD/MM/YYYY).

Friendly date widgets are rendered with a specialized CSS tag for enabling JavaScript datepickers.


Get a friendly datetime display widget for format.

This widget is suitable for display forms.

Valid format values are the keys of DATE_FORMATS dict. Default is le (little endian; DD/MM/YYYY %H:%M:%S).

This widget is not rendered with a specialized CSS tag for enabling JavaScript datepickers. css_class is ignored which means there is no difference between e.g. le and le-year.`